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Have you experienced depression?

Have you experienced anxiety or panic attacks?

Have you had traumatic experiences that you relive over and over again?

Have you felt lost about where to turn for help?

Have you been overwhelmed trying to navigate the healthcare system in order to gain access to services?

Have you wondered about alternatives that may be helpful that no one has told you about?

In this honest and sincere narrative, you will learn about mental health challenges the author has personally gone through and overcome. She shares her experiences navigating the healthcare system from an insider perspective who has worked within the system for decades. She shares the many resources she has found that took her from the depths of despair to the vibrant and peaceful life she lives today.

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Praise for The Best You Can

"So engaging to read personal stories, yet packed with golden information. This book had me hooked from the start. Lilah's ability to story-tell pulled me right in. I love how she wrapped what in other books is presented as dry information into such an engaging personal journey. It is such a well-balanced, honest, raw account. Yet with every powerful story is actionable steps to take. It is so helpful as to how to treat mental health issues, and Lilah's motivational and down-to-earth approach is refreshing. I'm left in awe of this woman, and inspired. I love her ACTION steps at the end, super helpful to distill the message."


5 STAR Amazon Review, verified purchase


Hidden gem! Very informative about different approaches to help you on your life journey.


5 Star Amazon Review, verified purchase


Understand who you are. What you've become. Then you gain the strength to make it the best you can! Great Book, knowledge is essential.


5 Star Amazon Review, verified purchase


Clear, concise, and to the point! I really like how the book is short and sweet. It makes a lot of strong points without getting preachy and it's short enough to be read in one sitting, which is likely be design, given the book's audience. I think it's wonderfully written and I'd recommend it to anyone, even if you aren't currently struggling with mental health issues.


5 STAR Amazon Review, verified purchase

"I have known Lilah Brand for over 10 years as a karate student and friend, a more genuine person would be hard to find. I have seen her grow throughout the years facing adversity and walking through it a testimony of her physical and mental toughness. I watched her go through significant personal mental challenges and overcome them using different tools and resources and her sharing of them so openly is a gift. Her coming through to the other side and sharing her journey is a true inspiration!"


10 Time ISKA World Karate Champion


"As Lilah’s brother I can tell you first hand that my sister has consistently worked through many challenges in her life. Whether it has been situations that arose due to decisions made, or just circumstances beyond her control, Lilah has navigated through these issues with a determination and tenacity that would impress even the toughest individuals. I am excited that she is in a place now where she can share her experiences with others who need guidance to help them live their best life!"




"I could tell by the depth in her eyes when I met her, that she’s a survivor and had likely overcome many difficult obstacles… but it wasn’t until she shared more intimate details of her story in Yoga Teacher Training, that I understood how she had become so gracefully and humbly confident. These are not qualities we’re born with, but rather character that is cultivated throughout one's life by the hands of hardship and heartache.  It has been an honor to share Yoga with Lilah, as her determination to apply the ancient wisdom of the practice to her modern day life was, and still is, inspiring. Observing Lilah in the process of Yoga gave me a birds eye view of how she had become who she is; she listens, learns, applies, trains and masters what she commits too. I appreciate Lilah’s “Whatcha See Is Whatcha Get” charm, but here’s what you’ll notice and enjoy as you read; Lilah is a self- reflective, textured individual, with a great sense of humor, a profound passion for living her best life, and lots of love and wisdom to share. This book is Lilah’s legacy and exactly what the world needs right now! Such a gift for all of us."



Creator of Core Integrated Alignment Yoga

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